#朱學恒 [跌落神壇] 驚爆!熱議! #MeToo勇敢站出來 迴力鏢/柯粉館粉必看[性平] 焦點 《TAIPEI TIMES》Chen vows changes to sex abuse laws #民眾黨 #中国國民黨 #2024總統大選 立委選舉 政黨票 #中華民國(民國)台灣 臺灣 Taiwan #網路紅人 #網紅Youtuber #館長館粉必看#年輕人必看!台灣團結!台灣人必看!大學生必看!台商必看!

《TAIPEI TIMES》Chen vows changes to sex abuse laws

Premier Chen Chien-jen speaks to reporters in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

Premier Chen Chien-jen speaks to reporters in Taipei yesterday. Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

2023/06/10 03:00

#METOO: The latest revelations include a councilor accusing a media personality of forcibly kissing her and a film institute head accused of repeatedly harassing reporters

By Jason Pan / Staff reporter

Premier Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) yesterday said he has instructed government agencies to propose revisions to three major laws to better address the issue of sexual abuse and harassment, as allegations of sexual misconduct spread across the political field.

The three laws are: the Act of Gender Equality in Employment (性別工作平等法), the Gender Equality Education Act (性別平等教育法) and the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act (性騷擾防治法).

“No one wants to see sexual harassment occur, and proposed amendments would be ready at the start of the next legislative session [in September]. We hope to have the support of lawmakers across party lines to prevent further personal harm, assist the victims, safeguard them and protect their rights,” Chen said.

In the latest development, Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei City Councilor Chung Pei-chun (鍾沛君) on Thursday night accused media personality Lucifer Chu (朱學恒) of forcibly hugging and kissing her during a dinner gathering in Taipei in August last year.

She said as she had pursued the matter, Chu wrote an official apology two weeks later.

A political commentator, Chu is a popular YouTuber and frequent guest on political talk shows.

Chu yesterday said he had suspended his YouTube channel and that he would stop appearing in media and public events for the time being.

He apologized, but said he was too drunk at the time and had no memory of what happened that night.

Separately, New Power Party member Jerry Liu (劉仕傑) was accused by a former party staffer of grabbing her in a vehicle, forcibly kissing her and pulling her hand to touch his private parts.

NPP Chairwoman Claire Wang (王婉諭) issued a public apology yesterday, saying: “We are sorry we did not know about this and for allowing this deplorable person to participate in public affairs and giving him a platform for public discourse.”

The NPP later yesterday said it received a statement from Liu that he was withdrawing from the party.

As of press time last night, Liu had not responded to the accusations.

State-run Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute chairman and prominent film critic Lan Tsu-wei (藍祖蔚) on Thursday was also accused by Taiwan-based Korean Studies Academy CEO Rick Chu (朱立熙) of repeatedly sexually harassing female reporters.

Taipei City Councilor Lee Yen-hsiu (李彥秀) of the KMT told a news conference yesterday that Lan, being a top figure in the film and cultural sector who is highly regarded and respected in society, must adhere to standards of morality and behavior.

Lan denied the allegations, but tendered his resignation, “because I don’t want to become cannon fodder in the political struggle.”



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